Otoplasty (prominent ears surgery) is performed in cases generally referred to as “prominent ear”. Prominent ear is a condition where the angle of the ear with the head is more pronounced than normal. Prominent ear deformity does not improve with age. Moreover, as the cartilages get harder and grow, their prominence increases. Therefore, it is recommended to perform otoplasty at an early age, especially in the preschool period (i.e. between 5 and 6 years of age), in order to prevent the children from feeling inadequate.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia in children and under local anesthesia in adults. For otoplasty, the surgical site is accessed through an incision made behind the ear, and then the ear cartilages are reshaped. The surgical procedure takes about 2 to 2.5 hours. The patient is discharged the same day or the next day after surgery. After surgery, special bandages are applied for a period of 1 to 1.5 months. Otoplasty operations leave a scar even if it is barely noticeable. However, the surgical scar remains behind the ear, in an area out of sight.
As with all surgical procedures, this procedure carries some risks. Despite being rare, blood build up under the skin (hematoma), wound healing problems or infections may occur. If the person has asymmetry before the surgery and if it is due to a structural disorder, it can be observed after the surgery as well.
The condition where the ears are closer to the head than normal in the initial period causes the ears to look unnatural. As the edema decreases, the ears closer to the head than normal in the first postoperative period gain a more natural appearance.