Filling Applications

Dolgu Uygulamaları - Doç. Dr. Çiğdem Karadağ - İstanbul

As we age, some changes occur in the form and structure of our skin. The amounts of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin tissue in the structure of our skin quantitatively decrease. Gel-like substances are subcutaneously injected with fine needles into the relevant areas to prevent the loss of these substances, to give the needed volume to the areas with volume loss, to make the skin smoother, and to correct the facial contours. Thanks to this treatment frequently preferred by both women and men around the world, people can have a skin that looks much younger and aesthetic.

Fillers are in two forms as hyaluronic acid and autologous adipose tissue.

Hyaluronic Acid; is the most preferred material among the fillers injected into the face. Today, hyaluronic acid produced synthetically in laboratories moisturizes the injection areas and give them fullness.

In Autologous Fat Injection; the autologous fat obtained using the patient’s own adipose tissue is injected into the desired areas after a filtering process, in order to fill the areas with volume loss. In this technique, it is necessary to perform a surgical procedure to remove fat from the person.

Volume loss appears to be the key reason for the appearance of signs of aging. For this reason, a younger and more dynamic appearance is provided using fillers. Fillers are generally used with intent to;

  • Accentuate the cheekbones
  • Eliminate wrinkles on the nasal wings or the corners of the lips,
  • Eliminate deep lines extending from the corners of the mouth to the chin,
  • Eliminate facial sagging,
  • Shape or plump up the lips,
  • Eliminate wrinkles around the lips,
  • Eliminate frown lines
  • Correct the jaw line.

The application does not take longer than half an hour. Immediately after the injection, the person can return back to his/her routine life. The application is painless. The effect of filler injections lasts about 12 months.


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